During the three years period the student may be asked to provide other institutions with some documents. Some of them related to the present or past position of the PhD Student, to some future situations or acquired rights can be issued by the PhD School Secretariat and undersigned by the Coordinator. Hereafter you will find a list of the certificates most frequently issued by the Secretariat.
Certificate of attendance: It is generally required by Italian or foreign institutions and certifies the present position of the student at the PhD School. It is different from the one provided to the Accounts Dept. by the Secretariat every two months.
Certificate of entrance and enrolment to the PhD School: It is generally required by Italian or foreign institutions and states the real attendance of the student to the PhD School, notwithstanding his participation in the courses.
Certificate of insurance cover: It is required by Italian or foreign institutions where the student will carry out his/her research. This must certify the validity of the attached INPS form that the student will personally get from the due office.
Certificate of the passed examinations: It is generally required by Italian or foreign institutions to certify that the student has duly passed all the expected examinations according to the Student Vademecum). Marks are not to be reported.
Certificate of fellowship deadline: It is generally required by Italian or foreign institutions to know the exact date when the University of Milan will no longer grant the fellowship to the student.
Certificate of profit: It is generally required by Italian or foreign institutions to give evidence that the student has successfully attended the courses and carried out his research activity. This is generally issued at the end of each year.
Certificate of renewal of activity: It is generally required by the PhD School’s Secretariat when the student, according to the law, postponed or stopped the courses attendance and needs to re-start the fellowship payment.
The above documents usually meet the student’s requirements. It may happen that further documents are required by some Institutions. In this case the students must apply to the General Student Secretariat of the University.
Institutional certificates
Hereafter you will find the list of the documents exclusively issued by the PhD School.
Certificate of three-monthly attendance: the PhD School Secretariat regularly forwards these documents to the Accounts Department, following the Coordinator’s and the tutors’ approval, so that the student can get the fellowship’s payment.
Permission to carry out a working activity: The PhD School Secretariat forwards these documents to the Students Secretariat of the University following the Coordinator’s request (see the letter specimen). The working activity for which the student must necessarily get the permission may be:
- supplementary teaching activity at Universities. The PhD students can carry out a limited additional/supplementary teaching activity that, in any case, will not hinder their research training (see point 1, art.48 of the University Regulations). This activity must not exceed 50 hours per year, extended to 70 hours when the student takes part, as an expert in the field, in the Board of examiners. The payment for this job will be decided by the Board of Directors. Departments and Institutes cannot entrust the students with tasks or scientific advice, except for special reasons (listed in the PhD School Regulations).
- Working activity in other institutions. The PhD students can carry out a limited working activity without interfering with their research training. A regular full time job or an open ended full time job, exceeding 35% of the course length, is incompatible with the PhD School’s attendance.
- Researcher or Medical Manager Appointment . PhD Students can be appointed University researcher. If appointed by other partner universities, the favourable opinion of the Teaching Staff and of the Senate is necessary, as well as for a full time job as medical manager in a hospital that has an arrangement with the University.
- Regular employment in the civil service. During the trial period the PhD student can be allowed to stop course attendance, giving up the fellowship.
For all the above activities the Teaching Staff’s approval is required.
Permission for a stage abroad and additional contribution: These documents are forwarded by the PhD School Secretariat to the Students Secretariat of the University following the student request (see letter specimen) approved by the Tutor. This permission is mandatory since the student’s accident insurance and third party insurance, taken out in Italy, have to be granted also abroad. An additional contribution can be required by the scholarship holder if the period spent abroad exceeds 10 days. In this case the student must apply for the Rector’s permission (see the application form on the PhD School web site). The additional contribution consists of an increase of 50% per day of the fellowship for the stage abroad of the student for no longer than 18 months in three years (from XXXVIII Cycle for no longer than 12 months in three years). At the end of the stage the student is requested to send to the Divisione Stipendi a headed letter of the guest Institution certifying the period of the stage and undersigned by the Responsible of the research activity, without which the additional contribution will be cancelled.
Permission to be included in the INFN lists: These documents are required by INFN to all the students who, during their research activity, will use equipment belonging to the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. This permission, undersigned by the PhD School Coordinator following the student’s and the tutor’s request, is mandatory.