International network
The Ph.D School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics has established a number of official agreements with several institutions in the world and mainly in Europe.
Bilateral agreements for single students are always possible with an European Doctorate School on the bases of already settled agreements. Following them the student will get a double diploma, acknowledged by both the Schools (cotutelage). The search activity of the student will be carried out with research groups of the two Schools, under the responsibility of a Tutor and a Cotutor. Cotutelages with non-EU Institutions are possible following agreements set up on purpose.
A special network (IDAPP) including seven Italian Universities and three French University, plus three Laboratories (Italian, French, German) is active on the Astroparticle area. The students doing research in this area and full filling the network requests qualify for different types of support and will get a multiple diploma (information on the web site
The Ph.D School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics is the leader of a network including 26 European and non-European Institutions plus two German virtual Institutes (ISAPP). The network organizes common international schools in the Astroparticle physics, acknowledged at different level by Ph.D Schools in the world. Information on the web site
A joint doctorate programme in physics and chemistry of advanced materials offers advanced scientific education and research training in a European context. To enroll in this programme, research students are expected to spend at least 6 months of their PhD timespan to do research in one of the partner Universities abroad (located in the UK, Spain, Germany, Denmark and Italy)
MAGMANet is an interdisciplinary Network of Excellence committed to coordinate and strengthen the European Research in Molecular Magnetism and it is recognized and supported by the European Union within its 6th Framework Program. It includes Researchers and Professors of several European Universities and Institutions grouped in 22 nodes from 8 different countries. MAGMANet is particularly committed to promote the co-operation of Universities and research institutions towards initiatives in higher education at post-graduate level, such as the “European Doctorate in Molecular Magnetism” (EDMM). PhD students working in research fields near to MAGMANet main research lines, will have the possibility to obtain the additional title of EDMM (further information on the website
FLAVIANET is a Research Training Network committed to coordinate and strengthen the European Research in Flavour Physics and supported by the European Union within its 6th Framework Program. It includes researchers and students of several European Universities and Institutions grouped in 12 nodes from 13 different countries. The physics studied in the FLAVIANET involves some profound open questions in particle physics (inside and beyond the Standard Model) like the understanding of the pattern of fermion masses and mixings, and the source of fermion replication. The origin of CP violation is intimately related and has deep implications for cosmology. Large-scale experimental efforts have begun to illuminate the above questions and new facilities such as LHC-B should start soon collecting data. Interpreting the experimental results in terms of the fundamental dynamics is and will be difficult owing to the uncertainties arising from hadronic contributions to measured quantities. In this area a close collaboration between theory and experiment is essential. Such collaboration is an aim of the network, which puts together the existing European expertise in those theoretical areas which are relevant for the data analysis. A multidisciplinary approach, combining lattice technologies, dispersive methods, effective field theories (CHPT, HQET, NRQCD, pNRQCD, SCET), higher-order perturbative tools and Monte Carlo event generators, is the core of the FLAVIANET Trainig Activities and should allow the Ph. D. students to get a broad background and expertise in Flavour Physics and guide us towards a more fundamental theory, valid at higher energy scales. Further information at For information please