Ewine Van Dishoek Zooming in on planet-forming disks around young stars Date: 3:00 PM of 16/12/2020 Place: https://zoom.us/my/aula.y Affiliation: Universiteit Leiden (NLD) |
Marialuisa Aliotta Nuclear Astrophysics Underground: The LUNA Experiment Date: 2:00 PM of 19/01/2021 Place: https://zoom.us/my/aula.consiglio Affiliation: University of Edinburgh (GBR) |
Bernadett Weinzierl Global measurements of fine and coarse mode aerosol – Insight from recent aircraft field experiment Date: 3:00 PM of 02/02/2021 Place: https://zoom.us/my/aula.y Affiliation: Universität Wien (AUT) |
Gijsje Koenderink Active material properties of cellular and extracellular biopolymer networks Date: 3:00 PM of 16/02/2021 Place: https://zoom.us/my/aula.y Affiliation: Technishe Universiteit Delft (NLD) |