People and Research Subjects
Advanced spectroscopy experiments
- Francesco Banfi (BS) – Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopies
- Gabriele Ferrini (BS) – Surface sensitive time-resolved optical spectroscopy
- Claudio Giannetti (BS) – High-Tc superconductors, strongly-correlated electrons
- Alessandro Lascialfari – Magnetic and superconducting nanostructures
- Cristina Lenardi – Photoelectron spectroscopy
- Stefania Pagliara (BS) – Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopies
- Giorgio Rossi – Spectroscopy and surface magnetometry with synchrotron light
- Luigi Sangaletti (BS) – Surface science, spectroscopy of strongly-correlated electrons
- Guido Tiana – Statistical mechanics methods applied to complex systems of biological interest
- Stefano Zapperi – Computer simulations of biophysical phenomena and bio-inspired materials
- Tommaso Bellini – Physics of DNA: self-assembly, chiral interactions, nanostructures
- Marco Buscaglia – Experimental investigation of protein folding and of the dynamics of biopolymers
- Roberto Cerbino – Experimental study of the motility and behavior of biological microorganisms
Coherent and quantum optics, quantum information and quantum transport
- Fausto Borgonovi (BS) – Open quantum systems and quantum transport
- Fabrizio Castelli – Physics of exotic atoms
- Luca Celardo (BS) - Open quantum systems and quantum transport
- Simone Cialdi – Quantum optics, lasers, nonlinear optics
- Carlo Mereghetti – Quantum Automata, Quantum Computing, Theoretical Computer Science
- Stefano Olivares – Quantum information and quantum optics
- Matteo Paris – Quantum information, quantum optics, open quantum systems
- Nicola Piovella – Cooperative scattering by cold and ultracold resonant atoms
- Marco Potenza – Light scattering & coherent radiation
Complex and non-equilibrium fluids
- Marco Potenza – non-equilibrium colloidal systems
- Alberto Vailati – Pattern formation and dynamics of non-equilibrium systems
Mechanical response of disordered materials
Nanostructures: synthesis and characterization
- Marcel Di Vece- Nanoparticles and thin films for solar cells and light-matter interaction
- Luca Gavioli (BS) – Nanosystems for technological applications
- Cristina Lenardi – Biological characterization of nanostructured thin films
- Paolo Milani – Cluster-assembled nanostructured materials, carbon, transition oxides
- Paolo Piseri – Nanostructured and nanocomposite materials, cluster deposition
- Alessandro Podestà – Scanning probing of nanoscale interfacial properties
Plasma physics, particle beams, radiation sources
- Vittoria Petrillo – Particles and radiation sources
- Massimiliano Romé – Plasma physics, charged particle traps and beam dynamics, thermonuclear fusion
Theory of classical and quantum fluids, solids, surfaces and nanostructures
- Guido Fratesi – Electronic structure and spectroscopy of surface systems and molecules
- Davide Galli – Theory and simulation of quantum fluids and solids
- Nicola Manini - Atomic-scale friction, molecular dynamics, electronic structure
- Giovanni Onida – Ab-initio electronic structure, theoretical spectroscopy
- Davide Pini – Theory of liquids and soft matter
Examples of slides on near-past research
- the Condensed Matter Highlights workshops come with nice collections of presentation slides;
- the Physics of Complex Systems Group site holds several presentations too;
- see also for example a presentation by G. Rossi: part-1 and part-2 (16-04-2013).